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Mission Statement:Central Montana Head Start is a nurturing and supportive non-profit organization which strengthens and empowers children, families, and communities.
What Area does Central Montana Head Start Serve?Central Montana Head Start serves Fergus, Musselshell, and Wheatland Counties.Center Based programs are offered in Lewistown, Roundup, and a classroom in Harlowton.All classes run August through May.

Lewistown Center
25 Meadowlark Lane
Lewistown, MT 59457

Roundup Center
204 7th Ave West
Roundup, MT 59072

Harlowton Center
419 B Avenue NE
Harlowton, MT 59036
Copyright Central Montana Head Start, All Rights Reserved
25 Meadowlark Lane, Lewistown, MT 59457
Central Montana Head Start is an equal opportunity provider and employer.“In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability” (Not all bases apply to all programs).To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD).

Financial Donations
Central Montana Head Start accepts financial donations.
Donations are tax deductable under Tax-exempt status 501(c)(3)Please mail your donations to:
Central Montana Head Start
25 Meadowlark Lane
Lewistown, MT 59457Or call:

Parents are encouraged to volunteer in the classroom, attend monthly parent meetings, and become a member of the Policy Council, which works hand-in-hand with our agency's Board of Directors to help govern our organization.Other community members also donate their time to help Central Montana Head Start with various projects and assist in class rooms throughout the year.
Central Montana Head Start partners with multiple organizations to provide services to families. In addition to partnerships, CMHS works closely with programs to help streamline application processes as well as provide assistance to families by acquiring documentation or other required articles.
Resources for Families
Central Montana Community Cupboard:
203 4th Ave. North
Lewistown, MT 59457
District 6 Human Resource Development Council:
300 First Avenue North
Lewistown, Montana 59457
fax - 406-535-2843
Yellowstone Boys and Girls Ranch
Billings, MT
Lewistown, MT
Montana Tobacco Use Prevention Program
Department of Public Health and Human Services
Montana Fair Housing
519 East Front Street
Butte, MT 59701
Support and Techniques for Empowering People
644 Grand Avenue, Ste. 1
Billings, MT 59101
Lewistown Emergency Evacuation Plan:
All staff and students will exit the building and gather in designated area.All will move together towards the evacuation site.There are two evacuation locations in Lewistown-Central Montana Hearing and Audiology OR ACE Hardware.Staff will contact parents and inform them of the pick up location.
Children will only be released to an adult listed on their Emergency Data form.The information will also be announced on KXLO/KLCM radio stations.Roundup Emergency Evacuation Plan:
All staff and students will exit the building and gather in designated area.All will move together towards the evacuation site.The evacuation site in Roundup is the Community Center.Staff will contact the Sheriff’s Office and announce the evacuation.Staff will contact parents and inform them of the pick up location.
Children will only be released to an adult listed on their Emergency Data form.Harlowton Emergency Evacuation Plan:
All staff and students will exit the building and gather in designated area.All will move together towards the evacuation site.The evacuation site in Harlowton is American Lutheran Church.Staff will contact the Sheriff’s office and announce the evacuation.Staff will contact parents and inform them of the pick up location.
Children will only be released to an adult listed on their Emergency Data form.Needs of children with disabilities will be reviewed and accommodations will be made to meet their needs.
Facebook profile for Parent Committee of Lewistown Head Start